Artificial Breeding
If you are planning to do Artificial Insemination, there are a couple of things you must do before you begin. Please note: Only semen collected from highly selected Coopworth rams that are registered by the official breed association in their country of origin may be used for insemination.
1. The AI sire must also be registered with ACR prior to insemination of your ewes.
a. If you are using semen that has been used previously by an ACR member, it has already been registered and is listed in the ACR database. Contact the Registrar and obtain the ram's ACR Registration number. You will need it in order to complete the paperwork for registering lambs sired by the AI ram.
b. If you are buying/bringing in NEW semen from a breeder or from a semen bank, you must supply the ACR Secretary with the ram's official pedigree and the equivalent of a registration from the breed organization in the country of origin. The Secretary will take care of registering the ram in ACR and will supply you with the ram's official ACR Registration number. The AI ram will be assigned an ACR number with Performance Designation, and the ram's Private ID will be followed by "AI" and the abbreviation of the country of origin. You will need the AI ram's registration number in order to complete the paperwork for registering lambs sired by him.
2. Complete a Certificate of AI Breeding and be sure to have your AI Technician sign it. This document must accompany your application to register the lambs sired by the AI ram. The Registrar will not produce registrations without it.
AI sired lambs may be registered in ACR provided they meet registration eligibility requirements and the Breed Standard. AI sired lambs born to a Performance Designated ewe may be registered as such provided the lamb meets the criteria for Performance Designation.