a Member
The American Coopworth Registry welcomes all who are interested in Coopworth sheep and offers several types of membership.
Senior Membership is open to anyone who owns, breeds or registers Coopworth sheep. Active members may vote, hold office and participate in group activities to promote the breed. They will receive the ACR's quarterly e-newsletter as well.
Senior Membership -- $30 per year
Junior Membership is open to anyone 18 years of age or younger who owns, breeds or registers Coopworth sheep. Active members may participate in group activities to promote the breed and will receive the ACR's quarterly e-newsletter.
Junior Membership -- $25 per year
Associate Membership is available to those who would like to support the ACR's efforts to promote the breed but do not own, breed or register Coopworth sheep. Associate members will receive the ACR's quarterly e-newsletter.
Associate Membership -- $25 per year
Gift Membership is a reduced rate active membership that may be given to the buyer of registered animals by an active member at the time of sale.
Gift Membership -- $25 for one-year membership
The calendar year for all memberships is January 1 to December 31.
To become a member, complete a Membership Application and mail it to the Registrar with the appropriate membership dues. Thank you for joining!
The Membership Application is available at the Forms Page